Transforming Legacy Systems: How to use AI in legacy systems

9.4.2024 | 2 minute read





Legacy systems, while reliable, often hinder businesses with their outdated infrastructure and processes. However, with advancements in AI and automation, such as those offered by UiPath and Microsoft Power Platform, organizations can breathe new life into these systems. 

Let’s explore how to effectively integrate AI technologies into legacy systems, leveraging the capabilities of these platforms to drive innovation and efficiency!

What is the role of AI in legacy systems?

AI technologies, including machine learning and natural language processing, have the potential to revolutionize legacy systems by automating decision-making processes, enhancing data analysis, and enabling predictive insights. Although legacy systems may be simple and outdated, complex AI technologies can still be leveraged in them to streamline various processes.

Best ways to take advantage of AI in legacy systems

Some of the best use cases for AI utilization in legacy systems is data analysis and document understanding. Here at Sisua Digital, we have used Azure Machine Learning to boost the business processes of our customers. More specifically, the use of the legacy ERP system Merx was made significantly easier and faster when we leveraged Azure ML to process unstructured customer data. When we want to analyze output data from legacy systems, various AI technologies can be utilized in the analysis.

How to utilize AI with UiPath and Microsoft Power Platform

  • Data Analysis and Insights
    • Leverage AI capabilities within UiPath and Microsoft Power Platform to analyze vast amounts of data stored in legacy systems. Machine learning algorithms can uncover patterns, trends, and anomalies, providing valuable insights for decision-making and strategic planning. For example, UiPath Insights that Sisua offers to our customers enables forecasting capabilities in their business insights dashboards!
  • Process Automation
    • Combine AI with automation workflows to streamline processes within legacy systems. UiPath’s AI Fabric and Microsoft Power Automate AI Builder empower organizations to automate repetitive tasks, such as data entry and document processing, reducing manual effort and increasing productivity.
  • Predictive Maintenance
    • Implement predictive maintenance algorithms using AI to anticipate issues within legacy systems before they occur. By analyzing historical data and identifying potential failure points, organizations can proactively address maintenance needs, minimizing downtime and optimizing system performance.

Advantages of AI in Legacy Systems

  • Increased Efficiency
    • AI-driven automation reduces manual effort and accelerates process execution, leading to enhanced operational efficiency and cost savings.
  • Data-driven Decision Making
    • By leveraging AI for data analysis, organizations gain valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational performance, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Predictive Insights
    • AI algorithms enable predictive analytics, empowering organizations to anticipate future trends, mitigate risks, and seize opportunities within legacy systems.
  • Improved Scalability
    • AI-powered solutions are scalable and adaptable, allowing organizations to easily accommodate growth and evolving business needs within legacy systems.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, integrating AI technologies into legacy systems through platforms like UiPath and Microsoft Power Platform offers tremendous potential for driving innovation and efficiency. By leveraging AI for data analysis, process automation, and predictive insights, organizations don’t need to move from their existing, outdated (but familiar!) systems into new ones: they can transform them into agile, data-driven engines of growth! Embracing AI in legacy system modernization is not just about preserving the past but also about preparing for the future of intelligent automation.

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